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To work with PROSPER Cancer CARE begin by booking your Stage 1 Preclinical Assessment & Initial Consultation. 

We also recommend booking your subsequent stage consultations at your earliest convenience due to the limited availability of appointments. You will need to move through each stage up until Stage 7. You can see the ideal week number to book your appointment under each stage, with your week 1 being the week of your Stage 1 first appointment.

Your Clinician will let you know if you will require ongoing consultations in the future after Stage 7 is completed.


Start Here Stage 1 - Preclinical Assessment & Initial Consultation

Assessment & Consultation - $280

  • Preclinical Intake Assessment

  • Preclinical Wellbeing Assessments

  • Pathology Recommendation

  • Stage 1 Personalised Care Plan


Stage 2 - Week 4 Clinical Consultation

Review & Consultation

during Week 4 - $180

  • Return Telehealth or In Person Clinical Consultation

  • Clinical & Assessment Wellbeing Review

  • Stage 2 Personalised Care Plan


Stage 3 -Week 8 Clinical Consultation

 Review & Consultation

during Week 8 - $180

  • Return Telehealth or In Person Clinical Consultation

  • Clinical & Assessment Wellbeing Review

  • Stage 3 Personalised Care Plan


Stage 4 - Week 12 Clinical Consultation

Review & Consultation

during Week 12 - $180


  • Return Telehealth or In Person Clinical Consultation

  • Clinical & Assessment Wellbeing Review

  • Stage 4 Personalised Care Plan


Stage 5 - Week 16 Clinical Consultation

Review & Consultation

during Week 16 - $180


  • Return Telehealth or In Person Clinical Consultation

  • Clinical & Assessment Wellbeing Review

  • Stage 5 Personalised Care Plan


Stage 6 - Week 20 Clinical Consultation

Review & Consultation

during Week 20 - $180


  • Return Telehealth or In Person Clinical Consultation

  • Clinical & Assessment Wellbeing Review

  • Stage 6 Personalised Care Plan


Stage 7 - Week 24 Clinical Consultation for Longterm Wellbeing

Review & Consultation

during Week 24 - $180

  • Return Telehealth or In Person Clinical Consultation

  • Clinical & Assessment Tools Review

  • Personalised Care Plan for Longterm Wellbeing

 Ongoing Review Wellbeing

Clinical Consultations

Ongoing Return Wellbeing Review & Consultation after Stage 7 - $180

  • Return Telehealth or In Person Clinical Consultation

  • For Ongoing Care after Stage 7

  • Clinical & Assessment Review

  • Ongoing Personalised Care Plan 

  • Best completed every 6-12 months or as needed

PROSPER Holistic 

Pathology Service - Self Funded Testing Package 

Pre Consultation Pathology Recommendations.

This self funded test panel is not commonly completed around a diagnosis or during treatment, however they are indicative of some of the crucial 'Hallmark's of Cancer' your PROSPER practitioner will need to review ASAP - designed to ensure no tests have been missed & all information is available at your Stage 1 Consultation.

  • Please allow 4 business days to receive the results before your appointment.

  • Not suitable for patients under 18.

  • Service provided in collaboration with I-Screen. Click here to see if they have a location near you.

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